What We Buy
- Copier Toners
- Laser Printer Toners
- Ink Jet Cartridges
- Drum Units
- Copy Cartridges
- Developers
- Staples
- Fuser oil
- Maintenance Kits
- Duplicator Ink
- Masters
- Waste Containers
- Printer Ribbons
- And many more...
All products which have a date on it are considered good if it is a year prior to the expiration date when delivered to our warehouse.
Fresh items indicate that the product(s) are original and the date on it isn’t expired or it is recent. However, we can separate the items that are old on the side at a different price. We determine which items are old by the packaging style, color & date.
Note (*): If you have generic, remanufactured, compatible, missing part or opened box items please be specific on the description. We will get back to you if we are able to help you get rid of them or clear up your storage.