How to Sell

Payment Arrangement


Cash payments are made only when you deliver the products to our warehouse located in Huntington Beach, CA. Please inform us at least one day in advanced before your arrival so we can expedite a smooth transaction for you.

Company Check

If you do not use PayPal as a payment term, please send us an email after you have received our quote. We will convert the quote into a purchase order and email you the information so you can use it as a reference.

For the check we will require the following information:

- Your first and last name Or company name(Payable to)
- Your address (This will be your mailing address)

** The Checks will be mailed every Friday **


Send us a PayPal invoice & give us the shipping detail. (box quantity, weight & dimension)

How to create a PayPal Invoice:

Step 1:Log in
Step 2:Go to Request Money.
Step 3:Click on the sub tab Create an Invoice.
Step 4:Select template as New Invoice and click Continue.
Step 5:Select Your Address and Phone Number from drop down arrow.
Step 6:Recipient’s email address is
Step 7:Put quote number (example:quote 710200) on the subject or just put “Genuine Supplies for Sale”.
Step 8:Put all products information (quantity, description or product part number and price) in invoice detail.
Step 9:Add shipping information including box quantity, weight & dimension or any information for this order in the note section.
Step 10:Send the invoice.

Wire Transfer
Listed below is the information that is needed in order to send over a wire transfer. (Most of the information can be found on your bank check.):

Your Name and Last Name
Bank Name
Bank Account
Routing Number (9 digit number)

We will deposit $0.01 to your account. Once you see this amount in your statement, please confirm back with us that you received $0.01. This will confirm that we have the correct account and we’re ready to wire the money.